Tips When Traveling To Sunny Tropical Climates

It’s always a great experience to travel. The electricity that rushes through your body when you step out of the plane, is phenomenal. You have been obsessing your fancy over Bali and Manila ever since you’ve seen pictures of the sparkling water flowing over the clear white beach sand and the cloud laden mountains shadowing the coconut trees below. But how do you know if, by the time you get off the plane and reach your hotel, you won’t feel sluggish and lethargic because of the weather. Yes, the human body adapts to the specific climate it thrives in, and a change can lead to some serious ramifications. We’re talking hot, humid climates which may rise beyond 35-37 C (98 F) with frequent thunderstorms, which is great for vegetation but not so great for people not used to random sunshine and impromptu downpour. But worry not, fellow traveler. We’re here to ensure that the tropics don’t steal your thunder.

Here are some handy recommendations for your tropical getaway.


FACT! Our body is 60% water, and you’ll find yourself sweating excessively, even in air conditioning. Now you can either carry a bottle of the holy elixir called water, or just pass out from dehydration. The tropics hold great pride in their fresh fruit, so make sure you take advantage and replenish the bodily fluids you’ll be losing by taking fruit juices. Not the bottled ones, the fresh ones. Oh, and there’s coconut water too!


You walk past this fancy looking restaurant with wooden tables and yellow blubs hanging from the ceiling, and guess what! You love bulbs. So you waltz in without a second thought. Trust it when we say that you don’t want to spend an hour of the next morning stressing over a toilet seat. Spicy preparations are usual in the tropics and if you’re not used to it, you can be in trouble. So do your research before stepping into a food joint to satisfy your hunger. Know about what’s good for you and what’s not, and always be prepared. You have the freedom, try everything that makes you happy!


It won’t be a surprise if you’re lying down in your bed, staring at the ceiling while the faint ambient sound falls in your ears till 4 A.M in the morning. You can’t be invincible from jetlag. If you’re an experienced traveler, you’ll know what we’re going to say next, but if not, water is your biggest ally. Keep yourself hydrated and you’ll be sorted. A little Melatonin can help too. Apart from that you need hats or bandanas, handy towels (see point number 1), sunscreen with a good SPF, basic medications, multivitamins and whatever falls in relevance to your needs. Should be enough to get you going till you become more familiar with your surroundings.

Now that you have an idea as to how to proceed towards making your travel closer to being ‘perfect’, pack your bags, grab your camera and go forth to make moments of your own and feel the freedom within you. May the force be with you traveler, we sure are!

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